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本會榮邀University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 丁冠中名譽教授 蒞臨指導
    澄德基金會於2023年5月5日(週五)非常榮幸邀請到Dr. Kuan-Chong (KC) TING(丁冠中),University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) 的 Professor and Department Head Emeritus,蒞臨本會指導。丁教授於學術界及實務界皆頗負盛名,在美國頂尖學府UIUC任教時亦曾擔任 Department Head,對於鏈結產學合作的平台策略有諸多極富深義的見解。丁教授稱本日會議可謂「Strategy formulation meeting」,與本會榮譽董事長魏大椿、執行長魏妤旌,及基金會評審團代表丁上杰董事、董事邱添裕,以回歸初衷的探究模式,對澄德基金會的價值定位(Value Proposition),提供兼具建設性與哲學性的建議。尤其,針對本會主辦之「大專校院機電智慧暨電動載具創意實作競賽」,除給予肯定與支持外,亦以在美經驗,指導有關在創建產學合作契機的同時,能如何利用基金會平台向下扎根,啟動大專院校與高中職的第一線接觸,以提供來自全台各地的師生們一個足以對未來職涯發展產生深遠影響的Holistic Experience。本會榮譽董事長魏大椿表示,今日會議受益良多,澄德基金會有丁教授的指導與支持,是產業、學校與學生的三贏!期待未來拓展更多與丁教授合作的空間與機會,讓基金會的發展能站在巨人的肩膀上,看得更高,做得更遠!

    On May 5th, 2023, the Chengde Technology in Education Foundation was honored to welcome Dr. Kuan-Chong (KC) TING, a renowned Professor and Department Head Emeritus at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), to provide guidance. Professor Ting has extensive experience in academia and industry, and his insights on platform strategies linking the two were highly valued. During the "Strategy Formulation Meeting," Professor Ting, along with the foundation's Honorary Chairman, CEO, and board representatives, discussed the foundation's value proposition in a philosophical and constructive manner. The "Creative Competition in Mechatronics, Artificial Intelligence & Electric Vehicle for Higher Education Institutes" hosted by the foundation was highlighted during the discussion, and they explored how the foundation's platform can initiate first-line contacts between colleges and high schools to provide a holistic experience. Professor Ting's guidance and support will undoubtedly benefit the industry, schools, and students, and the foundation looks forward to continued collaboration with him in the future.
